

Friday, June 18, 2010


On June 12th Saturday We learned the differences between Seal"Ts'aa" and Sea Lion "Taan"

Seals have no ear flaps they look like there doing the worm when they move and sea lions have ear flaps they have rotatable pelvic gurttles there front flippers propell through water they also eat seals and other types of animals.

There blubber keeps them warm the seal oil can be used for all types of other things even food there whiskers can sense vibes in the water they use there claws for when there climbing on ice they use there eyes to see in dark they also have dog vision they only see black and white

plus harver seals have wholes instead of ears.they have more blood in there body than most animals they also control where there blood flows and how much last of all they have special circulatory.

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